Friday, December 3, 2010

Sick and tired of the Obama controversy

The title is rather self-explanatory, so I might as well jump right into this one.

To make myself perfectly clear, for the last time: Obama. Is not. Evil. Obama is not evil!
Certain unnamed persons seem to have latched on to the idea that President Barack Obama is a secret Muslim terrorist who is also a communist/socialist Nazi bent on destroying all the rights of the "real Americans" who were probably thinking to themselves when he got elected, "What! How's a black man gonna run America? It's called the White House for a reason!" Now I totally understand not liking Obama, and if that's the case for you, by all means continue. But hate him for reasons that aren't cringe worthy in their stupidity.

First of all, it is impossible to be both a communist and a socialist; they are totally contradictory ideas. People need to make up their minds about which one they really think he is. Second, I didn't hear any of these so-called freedom fighters complain when Bush took away their precious freedoms all the time: the near annihilation of habius corpus, the utter disregard for personal privacy, the numerous attempts to merge Church and State (which the founding fathers were quite adamantly against).

No, that was all fine and dandy, because Bush was for the "real America," the red neck, white trash, blue collar America where racial superiority reigns supreme and people with opinions even vaguely differing from the normal fundamentalist Christian/extreme right-wing ideologies are shunned from society. That's the "real America", and it's also the America that doesn't care who's in office as long as they're a white, God-fearing individual. Obama could be the best president America has ever seen, and they'd all still insist that his treachery is so very apparent. But Obama's not the best president this country has ever seen, nowhere near it.

That doesn't translate to being everything that you see as evil. Not in the slightest. Evil Nazi? No. Spineless coward? Yes. And that's all that really needs to be said here. Obama is neither the Anti-Christ the "real Americans" suspected nor is he the intellectual savior who would reverse the utter chaos Bush left us in that the rest thought he was. No, just a pushover- a compromiser. A man without a spine who, in his attempts to make everyone, everywhere, at every time happy resulted in him being totally useless. I'm sure you've heard the term 'You can't please everyone'; well Obama seems to be outright disregarding said term.

Compromise isn't always the best way. Sometimes you just have to show some guts and say, "I'm the president, this is what I want to do. And I'm going to make it happen." The last president who said that was Bush; he got what he wanted, didn't he? A country where people can be imprisoned without trial, who are guilty until proven innocent. A country where privacy is nothing but a happy memory? A war based completely on exploiting America's fear of terrorist attacks that turned into a scheme to get more oil. A war that's still going on for some unknown and unexplained reason. And Obama, whose ideas may actually benefit America instead of destroy everything it's supposed stand for, refuses to get off his passive butt and put those ideas into action.

So there you have it, folks. Obama the Spineless. What a jacked up Would You Rather situation. Some one had to ask: Would you rather have a destructive idiot for president, or a president who has shown the potential to be intelligent- but still can't do jack s**t?

What's your answer?

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