Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jesus Camp. . .Christianity or Insanity?

I just got done watching a nine minute clip for the movie Jesus camp and. . .what can I say. These people are just- ugh I can't even say how sickening this is. They are (for lack of a better word) brainwashing these 4 through 12 year old children, and it's so disturbing to watch. I'm all for freedom of religion and all, but that does not cover indoctrinating people; it doesn't. They are training these kids to be intolerant, emotionless, god warriors and that is not right, it's just not right. These kids are being taught to be close minded jerks.
I have a friend who probably goes to camps like this of her own free will and she once said "I want to go to the Middle East and beat of all those Muslims with a bible because they're evil people, and they need to learn about the real God." I just thought that was the most inhumane, emotionless thing anyone could say about anyone else. What happened to affection? What happened to tolerance and love and friendship among everyone no matter their differences? All that just flew out the window and got hit by a bus, apparently. And it's going to be an extremely bleak and terrible and oppressive future if the psychos get what they want and their "god warriors" do take back the world. That's all I have to say.