Friday, May 21, 2010

List of Things I Like =)

This is (hence the title) a list of random things I like and love. They're in no particuliar order, by the way.

I like . . .

sitting outside in the grass, enjoying the sunshine.
watching movies that are so bad, they're good in a hillarious kind of way.
Japanese-style horror movies.
going furniture and decoration shopping.
eating cookie dough.
jumping on a trampoline when it's windy outside.
singing in the shower.
reading blogs and watching vlogs.
reading a good book.
waking up early for no reason and not feeling tired.
having so many inside jokes that no one knows what you're talking about.
ribbons is every color.
watching a cartoon you haven't seen in forever and remembering how much you love it.
thinking about something so funny that you laugh out loud.
dancing when you're happy.
petting a little animal that's soft and fluffy.
taking care of horses and pleasure riding.
crazy hair styles.
big yellow smiley faces.
looking for pictures in the clouds.
rainbows in swirls of gasoline.
being outside while it's drizzling.
sleeping in hammocks.
taking trips down memory lane.
taking pictures.

That's all I can think of right now, but there will be more. =)

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