Friday, December 3, 2010

Sick and tired of the Obama controversy

The title is rather self-explanatory, so I might as well jump right into this one.

To make myself perfectly clear, for the last time: Obama. Is not. Evil. Obama is not evil!
Certain unnamed persons seem to have latched on to the idea that President Barack Obama is a secret Muslim terrorist who is also a communist/socialist Nazi bent on destroying all the rights of the "real Americans" who were probably thinking to themselves when he got elected, "What! How's a black man gonna run America? It's called the White House for a reason!" Now I totally understand not liking Obama, and if that's the case for you, by all means continue. But hate him for reasons that aren't cringe worthy in their stupidity.

First of all, it is impossible to be both a communist and a socialist; they are totally contradictory ideas. People need to make up their minds about which one they really think he is. Second, I didn't hear any of these so-called freedom fighters complain when Bush took away their precious freedoms all the time: the near annihilation of habius corpus, the utter disregard for personal privacy, the numerous attempts to merge Church and State (which the founding fathers were quite adamantly against).

No, that was all fine and dandy, because Bush was for the "real America," the red neck, white trash, blue collar America where racial superiority reigns supreme and people with opinions even vaguely differing from the normal fundamentalist Christian/extreme right-wing ideologies are shunned from society. That's the "real America", and it's also the America that doesn't care who's in office as long as they're a white, God-fearing individual. Obama could be the best president America has ever seen, and they'd all still insist that his treachery is so very apparent. But Obama's not the best president this country has ever seen, nowhere near it.

That doesn't translate to being everything that you see as evil. Not in the slightest. Evil Nazi? No. Spineless coward? Yes. And that's all that really needs to be said here. Obama is neither the Anti-Christ the "real Americans" suspected nor is he the intellectual savior who would reverse the utter chaos Bush left us in that the rest thought he was. No, just a pushover- a compromiser. A man without a spine who, in his attempts to make everyone, everywhere, at every time happy resulted in him being totally useless. I'm sure you've heard the term 'You can't please everyone'; well Obama seems to be outright disregarding said term.

Compromise isn't always the best way. Sometimes you just have to show some guts and say, "I'm the president, this is what I want to do. And I'm going to make it happen." The last president who said that was Bush; he got what he wanted, didn't he? A country where people can be imprisoned without trial, who are guilty until proven innocent. A country where privacy is nothing but a happy memory? A war based completely on exploiting America's fear of terrorist attacks that turned into a scheme to get more oil. A war that's still going on for some unknown and unexplained reason. And Obama, whose ideas may actually benefit America instead of destroy everything it's supposed stand for, refuses to get off his passive butt and put those ideas into action.

So there you have it, folks. Obama the Spineless. What a jacked up Would You Rather situation. Some one had to ask: Would you rather have a destructive idiot for president, or a president who has shown the potential to be intelligent- but still can't do jack s**t?

What's your answer?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Education in America

Many people (and countries) would agree with me when I say that the American Educational System is not the best in the world. Everyone knows that, just look at places like Japan; we are nothing compared to the amount of stuff their students do. I don't believe we should have more school days and longer classes though; I think we should change the way students are taught.

We have this thing called standard education, which is my opinion, is totally worthless. Students are basically forced to take classes they don't want or need. And let's not forget the way things are usually taught. History classes are nothing but the teacher saying ' now kids turn to page eight and read about how great our country is and how bad everything else is'. Math classes are nothing but numbers, just 2+2, 2x-8+67=y stuff. Yes, math is numbers, but here I pose the often asked question 'When will we ever use this in real life?', the question that is usually answered with something along the lines of 'math is important no matter what'. All they do is sit and do boring math problems; teachers never actually do things where the students say to themselves 'Oh, we actually can use this in real life'. They never do real life situations that make them actually want to learn algebra.

The real problem I have with the educational system is how it's not personal at all. There are just classes that you absolutely have to take and then there are a handful of classes you can pick later on. The whole idea of 'standard education' doesn't appeal to the students, it only appeals to what the government thinks is important. It doesn't care what the students think is important. And I don't think we should have stupid pointless classes that will never take anyone anywhere like 'Learn How to Paint Bowls of Fruit Class', but I just wish teachers would act like they care about what the kids want to do instead of just forcing them into things.

What if some kid wants to be a marine biologist, and he's really set on doing that? Instead of being able to take classes that will help him learn about marine biology, he's put into 'Welding', because he needs another elecitve, not just a science class that he needs and wants to take, because 'Welding' is required according to standard education. What if some girl really loves math (for some reason) and she wants a job involving math. That girl should have math classes all day so she can learn more about the thing she loves and what jobs there are and how she can use it in the world. But no, the teachers say she has to take anatomy and sociology because those classes are required, and even though she has no intentions on doing anything with those two things in the future and she hates those subjects, she's put in them.

Why can't we just let the kids choose what classes they need, instead of forcing them into things they don't want or need to do, and if no kid wants to do 'Welding' then we should stop teaching stupid 'Welding' and let it wither and die because no one wants it. It's like we want everyone to be a scholar in everything ever taught ever, to just be totally ingenious in every subject. Why? If one person doesn't want to learn about something, don't make them learn it. Some one else who actually wants to know about sociology will take it and become learned in it while that girl takes math. And the boy who doesn't take math will learn something else he wants to learn. And it would work that way.

Of course, I'm excluding pre-school and elementary school because kids need to at least know the generally information about language and history and what not. I'm just saying, that once some one gets into junior high, they should be able to learn something in depth that they actually want to learn. Having some classed be required is pointless. If someone is going to be a pro-cheerleader when they grow up there is no reason for them to required to take something like 'Desktop Design' or some other class that has nothing to do with cheerleading.

Just stating my opinion. That's all.

Friday, May 21, 2010

List of Things I Like =)

This is (hence the title) a list of random things I like and love. They're in no particuliar order, by the way.

I like . . .

sitting outside in the grass, enjoying the sunshine.
watching movies that are so bad, they're good in a hillarious kind of way.
Japanese-style horror movies.
going furniture and decoration shopping.
eating cookie dough.
jumping on a trampoline when it's windy outside.
singing in the shower.
reading blogs and watching vlogs.
reading a good book.
waking up early for no reason and not feeling tired.
having so many inside jokes that no one knows what you're talking about.
ribbons is every color.
watching a cartoon you haven't seen in forever and remembering how much you love it.
thinking about something so funny that you laugh out loud.
dancing when you're happy.
petting a little animal that's soft and fluffy.
taking care of horses and pleasure riding.
crazy hair styles.
big yellow smiley faces.
looking for pictures in the clouds.
rainbows in swirls of gasoline.
being outside while it's drizzling.
sleeping in hammocks.
taking trips down memory lane.
taking pictures.

That's all I can think of right now, but there will be more. =)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jesus Camp. . .Christianity or Insanity?

I just got done watching a nine minute clip for the movie Jesus camp and. . .what can I say. These people are just- ugh I can't even say how sickening this is. They are (for lack of a better word) brainwashing these 4 through 12 year old children, and it's so disturbing to watch. I'm all for freedom of religion and all, but that does not cover indoctrinating people; it doesn't. They are training these kids to be intolerant, emotionless, god warriors and that is not right, it's just not right. These kids are being taught to be close minded jerks.
I have a friend who probably goes to camps like this of her own free will and she once said "I want to go to the Middle East and beat of all those Muslims with a bible because they're evil people, and they need to learn about the real God." I just thought that was the most inhumane, emotionless thing anyone could say about anyone else. What happened to affection? What happened to tolerance and love and friendship among everyone no matter their differences? All that just flew out the window and got hit by a bus, apparently. And it's going to be an extremely bleak and terrible and oppressive future if the psychos get what they want and their "god warriors" do take back the world. That's all I have to say.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Angry Venting (explicit language)

I know this is only my second blog; I've been forgetting to write these. But my friend's not answering her phone, so this is how I'm goning to vent.
I. Am. Pissed. I am pissed at everyone. I'm pissed at my mom, my brothers, my friend because I can't tell her this...just everyone. This is going to sound like a stereotypical teenaged complaint, but I currently hate my family.
My mom just yelled at me at the top of her lungs for like five minutes "having an attitude". What happened was I was on the computer working on a school project and she was already yelling at my brother for basically being an idiot, and the babies were crying and screaming at the top of their lungs as well, and I was very annoyed so I went in there and did what my idiot of a brother couldn't, and apparently my mom didn't like how I did it.
So she screamed, and I couldn't because if I stand up for myself at all I get in trouble. I can't have any emotions. I can't get annoyed, I can get agitated, I can't get tired of all the screaming in my house, I can sigh, I can't frown, I can't roll my eyes....basically if it's an emotion or action that suggests any sort of unpleasant feelings I can't do it in front of her because that means I "have an attitude".
What the fuck is wrong with her? Yes, I know that I am sometimes a bitch when I'm very annoyed, but it's not like I act like a bitch for no fucking reason like she does. She can scream, and cuss, and beat people up as much as she fucking wants because she's in a bad mood which is 24/7 usually. But when I feel like screaming all I can do is grin and bare it while she can let out her emotions all she fucking wants. I am sick of that.
One day I'm just gonna snap, and it is going to be her fucking fault. I'm going to slit my wrist or drown myself in a bathtub, or murder some one, or something. UUGHH I hate them. I hate her. I hate how I have to be perfect all the time when she gets to act like a bitch 24/7. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH......... >=( D=< $%^# &*%^%#%^ #%@^& *(&^*%%$
I'm done.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Ok, so this is my blog which is probably going to be about totally random stuff and what I think about it.

First on the Agenda- "New Year's Resolutions"
It's officially the new year, the time for new resolutions and for most people (including me) old resolutions you're gonna gie another go. I need to stop biting my nails, that's my resolution for this year and probably the past seven years before it. I do everything, I wear mittens in the summer in public. And yes I'm weird, I know that. I'll try to stop, but chances are by the end of the week that promise will be broken into a million pieces.

Another, much more impossible and fun resolution, is to be part of the mafia. There's plenty of mafias to choose from: there's the Italian mafia, and the Russian mafia, and the German mafia, and the Jamaican mafia. On an off note, can you picture a Jamaican mafia, I sorta can but not really. I always pictured Jamaicans as a peaceful, weed-loving people, not the kind of people with a mob. Russians I can understand because (duh) they are Russian, but Jamaica?
Back to the topic-I can't do that beacause I am not any of those nationalities which is deppressing because I want to try it. I know that sounds like a totalli terrible thing to do, but I want to be a sniper too so I guess I'm just a violent person. I couldn't be a sniper though because I've never touched a gun and would probably murder a lot of people on accident....

End notes: #1) Those are my resolutions (one of them is at least). #2) If you noticed I spell totalli with an i, it's not a typo I just like being myself. #3) You need to listen to Sleepy Head by Passion Pit, it's an awesome song and I'm recomending it to people. It just makes me wanna smile.#4) And prepare yourself to read about mutant blankets beacuse I think my next blog's gonna be about Snuggies.